Web Design & Development

Does Your Website Need a Redesign?

Written by DigitalMob - October 10, 2023

You may love the look of your website and have strong ties to the work you’ve put into it. However, websites, like houses, cars, and hairstyles go out of style after some time. 

As trends change and technologies advance, your website can look outdated, making it less effective at accomplishing your business or organizational goals. 

Redesigning your website periodically is vital to keep it looking modern, functioning optimally, and appealing to your target audience. 

Knowing when it’s time to change your site design can be tricky. At Digital Mob, we are design and development specialists who help clients rebuild outdated sites. 

But how do you know when it’s time to redesign a site? Here are some key signs your site needs a redesign.

Your Site is Slow or Buggy

Audiences need speed when they are navigating a site. So, if your pages load slower than a couple of seconds or have glitchy images, these issues will frustrate visitors and result in high bounce rates.

92% of users access websites from a mobile device. Therefore, fast load times are even more important as exploration is on the go. 

82% of mobile shoppers say that site speed directly impacts their online shopping decisions. 

Investigating site speed and optimizing code and images can help, but an outdated site architecture can make problems persist. A redesign presents an opportunity to rebuild on a faster, more stable foundation from the ground up.  

Functional Site Elements Are Broken

Over time, a site’s interactive or dynamic elements can break down. Forms may not submit properly. Images fail to load. Videos don’t play. Carousels or sliders stop sliding. 

These technical issues create a broken user experience. If refreshing the page or troubleshooting coding problems doesn’t help, the site infrastructure may need an overhaul to support functional components.

Stale Visual Aesthetic 

Web design trends come and go, meaning sites can start to look outdated within 3-5 years, sometimes sooner. Signs of an outdated aesthetic include overused stock images, faded color schemes, messy layouts, too much text, small fonts, excessive ads, and a lack of white space. 

Users expect a visually appealing site, so an outdated look hurts engagement.

It Isn’t Mobile-Friendly

In the age of mobile devices, a responsive site is a must. With more than 60% of web traffic from mobile devices globally, a mobile-optimized site is no longer optional. 

If your site doesn’t allow pinch zooming, has horizontal scrolling on mobile, or presents content in a mobile-unfriendly linear format, it’s far past time for an upgrade. 

Contact Digital Mob today to bring your site into a new era of marketing.

If site architecture has become convoluted or navigation labels confusing over years of adding content, it inhibits visitors from finding what they need. Poor navigation goes hand-in-hand with customer dissatisfaction and high bounce rates.

Streamlining and simplifying navigation structure, labels, and formats during a redesign dramatically improves site usability and keeps visitors engaged.

Pages Per Session is Declining 

If your Google Analytics shows page views per visitor session dropping over time, people aren’t sticking around to engage further with your content. Making pages more visually attractive, content more useful, and your site easier to navigate should perk interest and lead to conversions.

Speaking of conversions…

Your Conversions Have Plateaued

Every website has specific conversion goals, like email list signups, content downloads, purchases, reservations, etc. 

If conversions are flatlining or decreasing over time, your site isn’t compelling users to take action. 

A redesign presents the opportunity to boost conversions through better calls-to-action, value proposition communication, visual persuasion, and exciting, authoritative content.

You Want to Add New Features to Your Site

Business needs evolve, meaning you may want to offer new content types, user accounts, e-commerce options, app integrations, and more.

If your business needs change and your current website doesn’t support these changes, you’ll need to put the time into a redesign to add new features and stay on top of your market.

Rather than bolt on disparate new features, a full refresh allows robust integration of new functionalities into a seamless user experience. A team like Digital Mob can ensure that all features you add to your site function as planned and keep users engaged on your pages.

Redesign Your Site to Perfection With Digital Mob

As you can see, there are many warning signs to that point to when a site rebuild should become a priority project. 

By focusing on where your website is underperforming, you can allocate budget and resources to transform it into a valuable business asset that drives results. 

At Digital Mob, pointing out where your site can improve is our specialty. So, whether you’re concerned about slow-loading pages or ineffective navigation, we can help you find the missing pieces to your puzzle.

With the attention and intention we put behind your redesign, your revamped website will look great, work beautifully, and fuel ongoing business success for years ahead.

Schedule your free consultation today!

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